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Students learn to play instruments while home on school break.

Learning Never Stops

Date posted: December 19, 2023

It’s almost Christmas time, and our students are reunited at the WADADA Children’s House. Although it’s a school break, learning and improvement doesn’t stop. Each year during their winter break, Reverend Nelly brings in tutors to introduce the students to new skills. This year, the children were able to participate in three incredible options: baking, computer classes and music!

The lessons, which take place separately over the course of several weeks, are designed to impact and motivate the boys and girls. They not only give the students a more robust education, but also provides opportunities for future careers.

  • The baking course taught students how to prepare food either for a future career, or even a better home life.  During the baking course, students made scones, which stem from Kenya’s history as a British Colony until 1963, and more regional goodies. Videos below show the instructors discussing the course offerings and benefits of learning a new skill.
  • Students also have the opportunity to learn tailoring and knitting. These practical skills are an excellent way to make money after they graduate, but are also useful for daily life.
  • While learning a musical instrument is common in the U.S., many of the WADADA students do not have access to instruments. The course offered during their break gave the boys and girls a chance to try out violins, keyboards, guitars and drums. They received hands-on lessons and had a blast! Included below are a few videos showcasing their lessons!
  • Lastly, tutors taught students new computing skills. While many of the students take computer classes in school, this course expanded upon those lessons, teaching students new practical applications.

Students were given the option to join in the courses that interested them, with some children opting to participate in all four. Each year, Reverend Nelly tries to vary the courses to give students the most opportunities possible.

It’s never too early to start planning for next year’s break – please consider making a donation to Hope for the Hopeless to help fund tutors for new courses. Maybe your donation will help inspire the next great Kenyan chef, engineer, doctor or world leader!

Baking instructors discuss the aims of the course

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Reverend Nelly stands with young women from the Wadada Children's House at their boarding school

Your Donation Makes a Difference

Children in Africa face many dangers - from drought to child marriage and forced labor. Your donation will make a real difference in the life of a child in Africa by providing the resources he or she needs to not only survive, but thrive. Hope for the Hopeless rescues the most vulnerable children, providing housing and basic necessities, such as food and water, while also funding education and more to ensure a brighter future.

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